SwayStar™ Section A (# articles 25) |
The effect of prosthetic feedback on the strategies and synergies used by vestibular loss subjects to control stance |
Honegger F, Hillebrandt IM, van den Elzen NG, Tang KS, Allum JH |
J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2013 Dec 19;10:115
Movement strategies and sensory reweighting in tandem stance: Differences between trained tightrope walkers and untrained subjects |
Honegger F, Tielkens RJ, Allum JH |
Neuroscience. 2013 Dec 19;254:285-300
The effect of gait approach velocity on the broken escalator phenomenon |
Tang KS, Kaski D, Allum JH, Bronstein AM |
Exp.Brain Res. 2013 May,226(3):335-46
Coordination of the head with respect to the trunk, pelvis, and lower leg during quiet stance after vestibular loss |
Honegger F, Hubertus JW, Allum JH |
Neuroscience. 2013 Mar 1;232:204-15
Coordination of the head with respect to the trunk and pelvis in the roll and pitch planes during quiet stance |
Honegger F, Van Spiker GJ, Allum JHJ |
Neuroscience. 2012 Jun 28;213:62-71
Effects of age and pathology on stance modifications in response to increased postural threat |
Shaw JA, Stefanyk LE, Frank JS, Jog MS, Adkin AL |
Gait Posture. 2012 Apr;35(4):658-61
Improving impaired balance function: real-time versus carry-over effects of prosthetic feedback |
Allum JHJ, Carpenter MG, Horslen BC, Davis JR, Honegger F, Tang K-S, Kessler P |
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011;2011:1314-8
Comparative study of computerized dynamic posturography and the SwayStar system in healthy subjects |
Faraldo-García A, Santos-Pérez S, Crujeiras R, Labella-Caballero T, Soto-Varela A |
Acta Otolaryngol. 2012 Mar;132(3):271-6
The Occupational JP8 Exposure Neuroepidemiology Study (OJENES): repeated workday exposure and central nervous system functioning among US Air Force personnel |
Proctor SP, Heaton KJ, Smith KW, Rodrigues ER, Widing DE, Herrick R, Vasterling JJ, McClean MD |
Neurotoxicology. 2011 Dec;32(6):799-808
Influence of age and gender in the sensory analysis of balance control |
Faraldo-García A, Santos-Pérez S, Crujeiras-Casais R, Labella-Caballero T, Soto-Varela A |
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 Feb;269(2):673-7
Can balance efficacy be manipulated using verbal feedback? |
Lamarche L, Gammage KL, Adkin AL |
Can J Exp Psychol. 2011 Dec;65(4):277-84
The influence of walking speed and gender on trunk sway for the healthy elderly and young |
Goutier KTM, Janssen SI, Horlings CGC, Küng UM, Allum JHJ |
Age Ageing. 2010 Sep;39(5):647-50
Directional effects of biofeedback on trunk sway during stance tasks in healthy young adults |
Huffman J, Norton LE, Adkin AL, Allum JHJ |
Gait Posture. 2010 May;32(1):62-6
Vestibular and proprioceptive influences on trunk movement strategies during quiet standing |
Horlings CGC, Küng UM, Bloem BR, Honegger F, Van Engelen BGM, Allum JHJ |
Neuroscience. 2009 Jul 7;161(3):904-14
Effects of biofeedback on trunk sway during dual tasking in healthy young and elderly |
Verhoeff LL, Janssen LJF, Horlings CGC, Allum JHJ |
Gait Posture. 2009 Jul;30(1):76-81
Directional effects of biofeedback on trunk sway during gait tasks in healthy young subjects |
Janssen LJF, Verhoeff LL, Horlings CGC, Allum JH |
Gait Posture. 2009 Jun;29(4):575-81
Influence of virtual reality on postural stability during movements of quiet stance |
Horlings CG, Carpenter MG, Kueng UM, Honegger F, Wiederhold B, Allum JH |
Neurosci Lett. 2009 Feb 27;451(3):227-31
Manipulating balance perceptions in healthy young adults |
Lamarche L, Shaw JA, Gammage KL, Adkin AL |
Gait Posture. 2009 Apr;29(3):383-6
Multi-modales Biofeedback System zur Vorbeugung von Stürzen [Multi-modal Biofeedback System for the Prevention of Falls] |
Burger J, Meyes S, Tschanz R, Davis JR, Carpenter MG, Debrunner D, Allum JHJ |
at-automatisierungstechnik 56: 467-475
Neue Ansätze zur Sturzprävention mittels einer multi-modalen Gleichgewichtsprothese. In Neues aus Forschung und Klinik |
Allum JHJ, Davis JR, Carpenter MG, Tschanz R, Meyes S, Debrunner D, Burger J |
6. Hennig Symposium: Der Gleichgewichtssinn. (ed H Scherer) Springer Verlag 2008 p 211-221
Evaluation of the effects of ethanol on static and dynamic gait |
Mallinson AI, Longridge NS, Morley RE |
J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Dec;37(6):856-9
Identifying deficits in balance control following vestibular or proprioceptive loss using posturographic analysis of stance tasks |
Horlings CG, Küng UM, Bloem BR, Honegger F, Van Alfen N, Van Engelen BG, Allum JH |
Clinical Neurophysiology, 2008; 119:2338-2346
Effect of age and height on trunk sway during stance and gait |
Hegeman J, Shapkova EY, Honegger F, Allum JH |
J Vestib Res. 2007; 17:75-87
A speedy solution for balance and gait analysis angular velocity measured at the centre of body mass |
Allum JH, Carpenter MG |
Curr Opin Neurol. 2005; 18:15-21
Differences between trunk sway characteristics on a foam support surface and on the Equitest® ankle-sway-referenced support |
Allum JH, Zamani F, Adkin AL, Ernst A |
Gait Posture. 2002; 16:264-70
SwayStar™ Section B (# articles 29) |
Effects of a program of cognitive-behavioural group therapy, vestibular rehabilitation, and psychoeducational explanations on patients with dizziness and no quantified balance deficit, compared to patients with dizziness and a quantified balance deficit |
Schmid DA, Allum JHJ, Sleptsova M, Gross S, Gaab J, Welge-Lüssen A, Schaefert R3, Langewitz W |
J Psychosom Res. 2018 Feb;105:21-30
The Effect of Peripheral Vestibular Recovery on Improvements in Vestibulo-ocular Reflexes and Balance Control After Acute Unilateral Peripheral Vestibular Loss |
Allum JHJ, Scheltinga A, Honegger F |
Otol Neurotol. 2017 Dec; 38(10):e531-e538
Mental body transformation deficits in patients with chronic balance disorders |
Allum JHJ, Langewitz W, Sleptsova M, Welge-Luessen A, Honegger F, Schatz TH, Biner CL, Maguire C, Schmid DA |
J Vestib Res. 2017; 27(2-3):113-125
Balance implants or external prostheses: Which is the wave of the future? |
Allun JH |
J Vestib Res. 2017;27(1):49
Vibro-tactile and auditory balance biofeedback changes muscle activity patterns: Possible implications for vestibular implants |
Allum JH, Honegger F |
J Vestib Res. 2017;27(1):77-87
Recovery times of stance and gait balance control after an acute unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit |
Allum JH, Honegger F |
J Vestib Res. 2016;25(5-6):219-31
Relation between head impulse tests, rotating chair tests, and stance and gait posturography after an acute unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit |
Allum JH1, Honegger F |
Otol Neurotol. 2013 Aug;34(6):980-9
Allum JHJ. Recovery of vestibular-ocular reflex function and balance control after unilateral peripheral vestibular deficit. In: New Understandings of Plasticity in the Vestibular System: From Bench to Bedside ed P-P Vidal |
Allum JHJ |
Front Neurol. 2012;3:83
Strategies and synergies underlying replacement of vestibular function with prosthetic feedback |
Honegger F, Hillebrandt IM, van der Elzen NG, Tang KS, Allum JH |
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012;2012:6132-6
Differentiating malingering balance disorder patients from healthy controls, compensated unilateral vestibular loss and whiplash patients using stance and gait posturography |
Vonk J, Horlings CGC, Allum JHJ |
Audiol Neurootol. 2010;15(4):261-72
Multimodales Feedback bei vestibulären Gleichgewichtsstörungen - erste Ergebnisse |
Kessler P, Horlings CGC, Küng UM, Tang K-S, Allum JHJ |
Schweiz Med Forum 2010;10;(Suppl. 54) 28-30
Movement strategies after vestibular loss: aiding these with prosthetic feedback. In Hören und Gleichgewicht im Blick des gesellschaftlichen Wandels ed PK Plinkert |
Allum JHJ, Horlings CGC, Honegger F, Tang KS and Kessler P |
Springer Verlag 2009, p174-182
Vestibular and proprioceptive contributions to human balance corrections: aiding those with prosthetic feedback. In Volume 1164 Basic and Clinical Aspects of Vertigo and Dizziness |
Horlings CGC, Honegger F, Allum JHJ, Carpenter MG |
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2009 May; 1164:1-12
Moderne Rehabilitation von Gleichgewichtsstörungen mit Hilfe von Neurofeedback-Trainingsverfahren[Modern rehabilitation for vestibular disorders using neurofeedback training procedures] |
Basta D, Ernst A |
HNO. 2008 Oct;56(10):990-5
Vestibular rehabilitation by auditory feedback in otolith disorders |
Basta D, Singbartl F, Todt I, Clarke A, Ernst A |
Gait Posture. 2008; 28:397-404
Increasing the usefulness of tandem walking evaluation |
Mallinson AI, Longridge NS |
J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Dec;37(6):860-4
Short-term rehabilitation of patients with posttraumatic otolith disorders by auditory feedback training: a pilot study |
Ernst A, Singbartl F, Basta D, Seidl RO, Todt I, Eisenschenk A |
J Vestib Res. 2007; 17:137-44
Short-term rehabilitation of patients with posttraumatic otolith disorders by auditory feedback training: A pilot study |
Ernst A, Singbartl F, Basta D, Seidl RO, Todt I, Eisenschenk A |
J Vestib Res. 2007;17(2-3):137-44
Stance performance under different sensorimotor conditions in patients with post-traumatic otolith disorders |
Basta D, Clarke A, Ernst A, Todt I |
J Vestib Res. 2007; 17:25-31
Otolith Function Assessed with the Subjective Postural Horizontal and Standardised Stance and Gait Tasks |
Beule AG, Allum JH |
Audiol Neurootol. 2006; 11:172-82
Incapacitating hypersensitivity to one's own body sounds due to a dehiscence of bone overlying the superior semicircular canal. A case report |
Schmuziger N, Allum J, Buitrago-Téllez C, Probst R |
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2006; 263:69-74
Erkennung und Rehabilitation von Sturztendenzen und Gleichgewichts-Funktionsstörungen mittels Posturographie |
Vestibularfunktion (ed M Westhofen) Springer Verlag, Vienna 2006; 141-156
Postural control in otolith disorders |
Basta D, Todt I, Scherer H, Clarke A, Ernst A |
Hum Mov Sci. 2005; 24:268-79
The balance control of bilateral peripheral vestibular loss subjects and its improvement with auditory prosthetic feedback |
Hegeman J, Honegger F, Kupper M, Allum JH |
J Vestib Res. 2005; 15:109-17
Management of posttraumatic vertigo |
Ernst A, Basta D, Seidl RO, Todt I, Scherer H, Clarke A |
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2005; 132:554-8
Using Swaystar to measure sway amplitude in an office setting |
Mallinson A, Longridge N, Wong K |
J Otolaryngol. 2004 Feb;33(1):17-21
Improvements in Trunk Sway Observed for Stance and Gait Tasks during Recovery from an Acute Unilateral Peripheral Vestibular Deficit |
Allum JH, Adkin AL |
Audiol Neurootol. 2003; 8:286-302
Trunk Sway Measures of Postural Stability During Clinical Balance Tests in Patients With Chronic Whiplash Injury Symptoms |
Sjöström H, Allum JH, Carpenter MG, Adkin AL, Honegger F, Ettlin T |
Spine. 2003; 28:1725-34
Trunk sway measures of postural stability during clinical balance tests: effects of a unilateral vestibular deficit |
Allum JH, Adkin AL, Carpenter MG, Held-Ziolkowska M, Honegger F, Pierchala K |
Gait Posture. 2001; 14:227-37
SwayStar™ Section C (# articles 23) |
A comparison of balance control during stance and gait in patients with inflammatory and non-inflammatory polyneuropathy |
Findling O, van der Logt R, Nedeltchev K, Achtnichts L, Allum JHJ |
PLoS One. 2018 Feb 23;13(2):e0191957
Impact of Spasticity on Balance Control during Quiet Standing in Persons after Stroke |
Rahimzadeh Khiabani R, Mochizuki G, Ismail F, Boulias C, Phadke CP, Gage WH |
Stroke Res Treat. 2017;2017:6153714
The effect of vibrotactile biofeedback of trunk sway on balance control in multiple sclerosis. |
van der Logt RP, Findling O, Rust H, Yaldizli O, Allum JH. |
Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2016 Jul;8:58-63
Combining physical training with transcranial direct current stimulation to improve gait in Parkinson's disease: a pilot randomized controlled study |
Kaski D, Dominguez RO, Allum JH, Islam AF, Bronstein AM |
Clin Rehabil. 2014 Nov;28(11):1115-24
Applying anodal tDCS during tango dancing in a patient with Parkinson's disease |
Kaski D1, Allum JH, Bronstein AM, Dominguez RO |
Neurosci Lett. 2014 May 7;568:39-43
Improving gait and balance in patients with leukoaraiosis using transcranial direct current stimulation and physical training: an exploratory study |
Kaski D, Dominguez RO, Allum JH, Bronstein AM |
Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2013 Nov-Dec;27(9):864-71
Effects of age and pathology on stance modifications in response to increased postural threat |
Shaw JA, Stefanyk LE, Frank JS, Jog MS, Adkin AL |
Gait Posture. 2012 Apr;35(4):658-61
The effects of vibrotactile biofeedback training on trunk sway in Parkinson's disease patients |
Nanhoe-Mahabier W, Allum JH, Pasman EP, Overeem S, Bloem BR |
Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2012 Nov;18(9):1017-21
Balance control multiplesclerosis: correlations of trunk sway during stance and gait tests with disease severity |
Corporaal SHA, Yaldizli Ö, Gensicke H, Kappos L, Allum JHJ |
Gait Posture. 2012 Aug 5. [Epub ahead of print]
Screening balance disorders in mildly affected multiple sclerosis patients |
Fanchamps M, Gensicke H, De Jong BA, Kappos L, Allum JHJ, Yaldizli Ö |
J Neurol. 2012 Jul;259(7):1413-9
The effects of skill focused instructions on walking performance depend on movement constraints in Parkinson's disease |
Shaw JA, Huffman JL, Frank JS, Jog MS, Adkin AL |
Gait Posture. 2011 Jan;33(1):119-23
Differences in trunk sway in patients with and without mild traumatic brain injury after whiplash injury |
Findling O, Schuster C, Sellner J, Ettlin T, Allum JHJ |
Gait Posture. 2011 Oct;34(4):473-8
Trunk sway in mildly disabled multiple sclerosis patients with and without balance impairment |
Findling O, Sellner J, Meier N, Allum JHJ, Vibert D, Lienert C, Mattle H |
Exp Brain Res. 2011 Sep;213(4):363-70
Epidemiology and pathophysiology of falls in facioscapulohumeral disease |
Horlings CGC, Munneke M, Bickerstaffe, Laverman L, Allum JHJ, Padberg GW, Bloem BR, Van Engelen BG |
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2009 Dec;80(12):1357-63
Trunk sway analysis to quantify the warm-up phenomenon in myotonia congenita patients |
Horlings CGC, Drost G, Bloem BR, Trip J, Pieterse AJ, Van Engelen BGM, Allum JHJ |
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2009 Feb;80(2):207-12
The Role of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in the Treatment of Postural Instability and Gait Disorders of Parkinson's Disease. In: Deep Brain Stimulation in Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders |
Helen Bronte-Stewart |
Current Clinical Neurology, 2008, 2, 333-358
Identifying vestibular and proprioceptive loss using posturographic analysis of stance tasks |
Horlings CGC, Kueng UM, Honegger F, Bloem BR, Van Alfen N, Van Engelen BGM, Allum JHJ |
Clin Neurophysiol. 2008 Oct;119(10):2338-46
Falls and Gait Disturbances in Huntington's Disease |
Grimbergen YA, Knol MJ, Bloem BR, Kremer BP, Roos RA, Munneke M |
Mov Disord. 2008; 23:970-6
Quantification of trunk rotations during turning and walking in Parkinsons's disease |
Visser JE, Voermans NC, Oude Nijhius LB, van der Eijk M, Nijk R, Munneke M, Bloem BR |
Clin Neurophysiol. 2007 Jul;118(7):1602-6
The 'posture second' strategy: a review of wrong priorities in Parkinson's disease |
Bloem BR, Grimbergen YA, van Dijk JG, Munneke M |
J Neurol Sci. 2006; 248:196-204
Effect of bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation on balance and finger control in Parkinson's disease |
Vrancken AM, Allum JH, Peller M, Visser JE, Esselink RA, Speelman JD, Siebner HR, Bloem BR |
J Neurol. 2005; 252:1487-94
Trunk sway measurements during stance and gait tasks in Parkinson's disease |
Adkin AL, Bloem BR, Allum JH |
Gait & Posture, 2005; 22:240-249
Trunk Sway in Patients With Spinocerebellar Ataxia |
Van de Warrenburg BP, Bakker M, Kremer BP, Bloem BR, Allum JH |
Mov Disord. 2005 Aug;20(8):1006-13
SwayStar™ Section D (# articles 18) |
Effects of tetrahydrocannabinol on balance and gait in patients with dementia: A randomised controlled crossover trial |
van den Elsen GA, Tobben L, Ahmed AI, Verkes RJ, Kramers C, Marijnissen RM, Olde Rikkert MG, van der Marck MA |
J Psychopharmacol. 2017 Feb;31(2):184-191
Benefits of multi-session balance and gait training with multi-modal biofeedback in healthy older adults |
Lim SB, Horslen BC, Davis JR, Allum JH, Carpenter MG |
Gait Posture. 2016 Jun; 47:10-7
The Effect of Age on Improvements in Vestibulo-Ocular Reflexes and Balance Control after Acute Unilateral Peripheral Vestibular Loss |
Scheltinga A, Honegger F, Timmermans DP, Allum JH |
Front Neurol. 2016 Feb 18
Walking with a four wheeled walker (rollator) significantly reduces EMG lower-limb muscle activity in healthy subjects |
Suica Z, Romkes J, Tal A, Maguire C |
J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2016 Jan;20(1):65-73
Reduction of falls in older people by improving balance with vestibular rehabilitation (ReFOVeRe study): design and methods |
Soto-Varela A, Gayoso-Diz P, Rossi-Izquierdo M, Faraldo-García A, Vaamonde-Sánchez-Andrade I, del-Río-Valeiras M, Lirola-Delgado A, Santos-Pérez S |
Aging Clin Exp Res. 2015 Dec;27(6):841-8
Trunk sway during walking among older adults: norms and correlation with gait velocity |
Lee SW, Verghese J, Holtzer R, Mahoney JR, Oh-Park M |
Gait Posture. 2014 Sep;40(4):676-81
Is there a relationship between objective and subjective assessment of balance in elderly patients with instability? |
Rossi-Izquierdo M, Santos-Pérez S, Del-Río-Valeiras M, Lirola-Delgado A, Faraldo-García A, Vaamonde-Sánchez-Andrade I, Gayoso-Diz P, Soto-Varela A |
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Sep;272(9):2201-6
A method to investigate discrepancies between perceived and actual balance in older women |
Lamarche L, Zaback M, Gammage KL, Klentrou P, Adkin AL |
Gait Posture. 2013 Sep;38(4):888-93
Effect of music-based multitask training on gait, balance, and fall risk in elderly people: A randomized controlled trial |
Trombetti A, Hars M, Herrmann FR, Kressig RW, Ferrari S, Rizzoli R |
Arch Intern Med. 2011 Mar 28;171(6):525-33
Analysis of postural control in elderly subjects suffering from Psychomotor Disadaptation Syndrome (PDS) |
Matheron E, Dubost V, Mourey F, Pfitzenmeyer P, Manckoundia P |
Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2010 Jul-Aug; 51(1):e19-23
Multifactorial fall prevention for pairs of frail community-dwelling older fallers and their informal caregivers: a dead end for complex interventions in the frailest fallers |
Faes MC, Reelick MF, Melis RJ, Borm GF, Esselink RA, Rikkert MG |
J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2011 Jul;12(6):451-8
Trunk sway reductions in young and older adults using multi-modal biofeedback |
Davis JR, Carpenter MG, Tschanz R, Meyes S, Debrunner D, Burger J, Allum JHJ |
Gait Posture. 2010 Apr;31(4):465-72
The influence of fear of falling on gait and balance in older people |
Reelick MF, van Iersel MB, Kessels RP, Rikkert MG |
Age Ageing. 2009 Jul;38(4):435-40
Executive functions are associated with gait and balance in community-living elderly people |
van Iersel MB, Kessels RP, Bloem BR, Verbeek AL, Olde Rikkert MG |
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008 Dec;63(12):1344-9
A method to standardize gait and balance variables for gait velocity |
van Iersel MB, Olde Rikkert MG, Borm GF |
Gait Posture. 2007 Jul;26(2):226-30
The effect of cognitive dual tasks on balance during walking in physically fit elderly people |
van Iersel MB, Ribbers H, Munneke M, Borm GF, Rikkert MG |
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Feb;88(2):187-91
Is fall prevention by vitamin D mediated by a change in postural or dynamic balance |
Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Conzelmann M, Stähelin HB, Dick W, Carpenter MG, Adkin AL, Theiler R, Pfeifer M, Allum JH |
Osteoporos Int. 2006; 17:656-63
Quantitative Assessment of the Stops Walking While Talking Test in the Elderly |
de Hoon EW, Allum JH, Carpenter MG, Salis C, Bloem BR, Conzelmann M, Bischoff HA |
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2003; 84:838-42
SwayStar™ Section E (# articles 1) |
Improvements in balance after total hip replacement |
Majewski M, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Grüneberg C, Dick W, Allum JH |
J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2005; 87:1337-43